Honda sw-t400 обзор
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This video was filmed 95% with iPhone 4 and the FilmicPro app. It was edited in iMovie The music is from iMovie 11.
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Honda CBSS, полный обзор. Kawasaki Estrella единственный обзор на русском на просторах YouTube - Продолжительность: ClassicMoto TV 11 просмотра.
The Hawk has air-assisted forks this year. Мотоцикл ИЖ Юпитер 4. A lot of people in the industry, we are told, ride Hawks on the street and in competition. Honda Silver Wing SW-T года.
Honda Silver Wing SW-T
There had been rumors the Euro Hawk, with its rearset pegs, six speed transmission, sporty bars and extra horsepower, was at last destined for our shores. When it got here, the Hawk did have a six-speed transmission and a welcome styling facelift or tank and seatlift from the F school of design.
More stringent EPA requirements had driven the old 32mm Keihin carbs into retirement in favor of a set of 30s with accelerator pumps and leaned out idle circuits.
Acceleration was better by a couple of tenths in the quarter mile, thanks largely to the six-speed transmission. But those who tried to road race the Hawk found that while it handled and had good throttle response, the bike developed a touch of asthma right at the upper end, where the loss of a few mph was critical. After all, Honda sponsors a racing class strictly for Hawks in Europe and in Japan the bike is extremely popular for sporty riding and amateur road racing.
A lot of people in the industry, we are told, ride Hawks on the street and in competition. Interest in the Hawk is high and so, in theory, feedback from all this enthusiasm influences the design of the new models.
The new bike is here, and once again an undetermined percentage of this rumor, speculation and theory has proved correct. The T is indeed an improved and reworked motorcycle. Not as radically redone as those of us who love to be astounded and amazed might have hoped, but altered for the better. There are no sweeping changes in tuning, horsepower or concept, but Honda has fed the Hawk into its legendary Attention to Detail Machine and a more refined product has rolled out the other end.
No return to bigger carbs, bolting in of tricker cams, etc. In spite of this, Honda suggested we might be surprised at how well the bike runs. If the engine is unchanged, we asked,- why should its performance surprise us? It seems some special attention has been given the dies used for cylinder head casting, to ensure exact conformity to the dimensions of the original design.
This is especially important at the exhaust ports, where small inaccuracies of shape can hurt combustion chamber scavenging and horsepower. No big thing, just a little industrial blueprinting, if you will.
Otherwise the engine is the same cc sohc counterbalanced vertical Twin offered last year. Our bike ran through the quarter mile in Suffice it to say the motor works about the same as it did before. One cam lobe opens two intake valves via a forked rocker arm, and another, slightly offset, rocker arm moves the single exhaust valve in each cylinder. The combustion chamber is of the wedged pentroof persuasion, the spark plug is offset and the piston is mildly domed with valve relief pockets.
The two intake valves flow more air for their combined head area than a single large valve and also present less individual valve mass for the rockers to open and springs to close. This provides a better safety factor at high rpm, an important advantage with a highly oversquare Twins, unlike Fours, have no cylinder head width problems from highly oversquare bores. The engine breathes through two mm Keihin CV carbs with accelerator pumps.